Probability species, could all chance outcomes be random?
Would that be pessimistic?



A pulsation under the blanket, or is it not, what is the name for something that is concealed in probability only because it is covered? Something with cats. If there was a god of time I would give it a set of cats eyes.
I once dreamed I was an RPG hero, approaching a shrine to strike a deal with a god, preferably damned. Well this might be it, yet I feel more like being invented compared to this imagination, even though I passed that spot for two years, now it is more intimate.

What stops these people to start dancing in the snow around it, pulsating with the street lights? Who said they are not? Maybe my route there and back passing by is more than enough of a dance.

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don't question the pilot           (walk - arrows, interact - space)

Permitted to be held back, unboxing, releasing

the need to be held within.

Clock permitted in threes of towering descriptions, limitation vertigo in four walls. 

Unheimlich and the rest of that, or just an employee.

It's the addiction of containment, is it the movement of opening

or the surprise that the container lacks to indicate.

This piece, as are the rest in a way, amongst each other, linearly or not, is broken time. Without any doubt the Llemma seems to fall into various time shenanigans, or space, or one proceeding the other, of course interacting with each other. The endeavour has been synchronised, but never truly emphasised in what, yes the conversations, but things proceed us, they are their own order, yet we tried many times to navigate, we ploughed the ground, well we all do.

But the act of containment (hails the crowd), the mind's obsessive condition, a reaction seemingly to a self aware defence system, to capture, to capture, to capture. Unleashed to gather, a self-appointed saviour that restores nature's absentminded limbo state.

Inseminated by pale men, who think nature is a woman, waiting for their civilization.



No beginning no end, stuck in a loop.
No why no meaning, stuck in a loop with a tag(like) anachronism. 
A cowboy container, here the cowboy is the Wittgensteinian nightmare. We should from now on depict all our famous historical people as cowboys.
Hense Nerons fire is atomic bomb with a yeeha.
The macho tamer, like in Jane Campion's western movie, shows that maybe men have been doing westerns the wrong way.

(A rant follows)

Nonsensical humor, why this anachronism of empty content, would we get more with mannerisms of Hannah Arendt? And if so, would we have then an artwork? Should we shout REVOLUTION, or whisper it? Endlessly defending guiltlessness, that is the role of an artist, in a guilt induced practical world. 

Yet once guiltless what then? 
Yet, the imposter syndrome is looking over the shoulder, waiting for an existential questioning. 
Yet one is never prepared, maybe we should emphasise on failure more, sounds healthier, why pretend to be correct and successful when the result of that is trauma.


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un coup de dés jamais, jamais, jamais n'abolira le hasard???         (walk - arrows)

Let's stand here for a while.

In 1897 Stéphane Mallarmé released his last book of poetry, ‘un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard", which was as much a poem as it was an experimentation with the visual experience of a poem. The phrases were written with large spaces in between them and composed in almost a sinking pattern down each page. 

Marcel Broodthaers spent 40 years of his life a poet, then died as an artist. In 1968 Broodthaers petrified his unsold copies of his poetry book ‘Pense-bête’ in plaster - now a sculpture. He had 12 years left as an artist.

In 1969 Broodthaers opened his solo show ‘Deblioudebliou/S” at the Wide White Space gallery in Antwerp, consisting of works directly based upon ‘un coup de dés…’ by Mallarmé. Among them a reprint of the poem with the slight edit of having all the words ‘crossed out’ with black rectangles. Like Broodthaers’ former mentioned plaster sculpture, in the reprint, Mallermé’s poem had taken one step further out of the literary, into a more pronounced visual grammar, a grammar that rather than referring to a specific meaning is instead the direct expression of the gaps and spaces between these rectangular shapes, in other words the language of form. Like the ‘Pense-bête’ copies being dipped and petrified in plaster, so too did Mallarmés' sinking words solidify into the rigidity characteristic of any sculpture in the tradition of les arts plastiques.

In 2009 the german artist Michalis Pichler fed this reprint into a pianola. Hearing this piece is very exciting. The reverberation of the atonal piano works of the 1920s are very prominent. The excitement emerges in pondering the question: when was this piece actually written? Was it 2009 by Pichler? 1969 by Broodthaers? Or could it be that this piece was written already in 1897 by Mallarmé, since the bare-bones which effectively is this musical piece was conceived at that time? Perhaps these iterations and variations are more than a formalistic study of Mallarmé’s original poem; they are a meditation upon temporality. The continued reiteration of the poem is effectively discussing questions about how culture perhaps does not evolve through individual people’s geniusness, but rather through a collective sharing of time and work. ‘Un coup de dés’ continually emerges with no clear cosigner, an art historical meme.




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plow what's read                (walk - arrows)

If you could flatten everything in the world you would get wor(l)ds (preferably with a plough).

…are not flattening everything into words, worlds. Obsession of reality, I guess another containment issue that the mind lusts, I once was told: what's the fuss with reality, or something like that. I of course insisted, obsessed as I am, yet truly so what's up with it, the reality, what about it? Nothing right? What could there be, but us, mirrors, walls. Yet again, I'm structuring a polemic about reality. Well how about rats, plants, letters and chairs being squished by a plough to look the same. Don't we look the same, isn't it all the same, so what's the fuss in distinctions. Horrible, its ouroboric, building breaking. Is the gallery about building or breaking? Is art about building or breaking. Silly distinctions. Flatten all (well except lamps).


forgot, template

sculpture outside Norrlands universitetssjukhus, Umeå 28 february 2022 - 1 march 2022

When sculptors are forced into a small space, sculptures become small. is a project about sculptures without spaces.  

When a sculpture occupies a public space, it claims the mundane. It might start as an interruption of daily movement, but soon becomes incorporated into everyday routine.

For the Power, a statue is not perfect since it has the physical property of falling. A crypto-statue might be fool-proof (you don't know what you're getting into). 

How is the service announcement not a sculpture? How can I, as a sculptor, compete if I work with marble? And if my room is still a physical space? Llemma seeks to understand sculpture and space in an expanded sphere. It tries to follow the mundane into digital existence. A videogame without a narrative, without an end becomes a sculptural form. An intrusive virus becomes a vantage point, a raised statue looking over the city.




To assume a geometric space in one's imaginative montages, one has the leisure of timelessness, while at the same time one is forced in movement of ever declining possibilities to select, and every selected expressive attempt follows the expresser into a gradual collapse. One is forced into a geometry of pressure, demanding victory in every breath. Then Llemma enters a digital geometry where it can defy its negation.

A falling apart garden, tempered in commotion to harvest ripe negation.

Where the visitor is infected by the singing of Swedish birds, an event that disperses an expressive spillage from user to user, a moisturised density of a distinct declining trajectory of a sculpture to invade our assumption of space.

A fountain of sculptures, shooting variations, falling and breaking.


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 J.W.V.G                              (walk - arrows, confirm - enter, bend down - E)

...Mallarmé might also have said that the word flower is the flower's own grave.






